
Langley Estate


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‘I never thought a woman could write something such as this…’ remarked Camille Saint-Saëns hearing the premiere of Mel Bonis’ first piano quartet. This captivating piece showcases the composer’s position as a link between romanticism and the increasingly popular impressionist movement. Like many of Bonis’ chamber works, it made waves in French society when it premiered in 1905. However, along with the composer’s other works (numbering well over 200), it faded into obscurity after her death. Such was the fate of women composers in that era.

Mozart of course faced no such obstacles for his first piano quartet – however, it wasn’t without its own drama! His good friend Franz Anton Hoffmeister commissioned a set of three Piano Quartets after opening his own publishing house in Vienna. Then a novel instrumentation, it was targeted towards the huge and profitable amateur market, and Hoffmeister wanted something light, easily played and popular for maximum selling potential. Instead, Mozart came out with this severe, dramatic and complex piece, which amateurs ‘couldn’t keep together for four bars on end’, according to one article. Hoffmeister furiously cancelled the rest of the commission, but the quartet was recognized as a masterpiece.

Yi-Shing Cheng (piano), Sophia Kirsanova (violin), Lucas Levin (viola) and Joshua Dema (cello) are internationally-trained musicians whose extensive list of performances and prizes span Europe, America and Australia. Now based in Melbourne, they are coming together for the first time as a piano quartet presenting compelling programs of outstanding but lesser-known works alongside the famous masterworks of the repertoire.

Come and enjoy an exquisite afternoon of beautiful chamber music in the historic 1873 Lauriston Chapel.

Refreshments will be served following the performance in the Langley Hall mansion.

Tickets available at www.trybooking.com/CPKNQ

Adults $40 / Concession $35 / U18 Free

Bookings are essential to gain entry. Doors open at 2.30 pm.

Please note: limited car parking for 23 cars is available onsite on a first-come, first-served basis; please enter through the main car driveway gates at 484 Napier Street. Otherwise, there is ample on-street free parking at the rear of the Estate in Dundas Street.